Google Ads Campaign Management

Management of paid marketing campaigns, from Google Ads.
Optimize your budget: convert more customers, while spending less.

Google Ads Campaign Management

What is Google Ads?

google ads logo

Offered by Google, Google Ads is, the largest sponsored link service on the Internet, worldwide.
In other words, it allows you to pay to climb the search rankings on the world’s largest search engine: Google.

google ads logo
Macbook image with screen filled with google ads content

Do I need Google Ads?

Macbook image with screen filled with google ads content

Although not compulsory, it is highly recommended to use Google Ads, especially for new websites with little or no traffic.

Google Ads is the most effective method to get new users on your website, with fast and high quality results.

How much does Google Ads Cost?

There are two distinct costs associated with this service:

Marketing Campaigns (Paid to Google).
This cost refers to the marketing campaigns themselves.
The payment is made directly to Google and is unrelated to BlackHost.
The cap for this recurring cost is entirely up to you, and can be increased or decreased over time.
Either way, our team will regularly recommend the value of this cap, taking into account specific objectives.

Google Ads Campaign Management (Paid to BlackHost)
The cost charged by BlackHost for creating, managing and maintaining marketing campaigns.
This cost is fixed, regardless of the cap set for marketing campaigns, mentioned above.

Alguns testemunhos dos nosso clientes

Sem duvida o melhor serviço da BlackHost.
Aumentou significativamente o nosso alcance e notamos resultados em cerca de 2 meses.
Clinica do Sono

To this day, our clients have had, on average:

managed by BlackHost on Google Ads
0 days
until noticeable results
0 %
increase in income value

What kind of results can I expect?

The results that each client can expect will depend on a variety of factors, such as campaign budget, business sector and search terms competition, among many other factors.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the service results in a significant increase in sales and revenue; more than enough to cover the cost of managing Google Ads and campaign costs themselves.

Our team is specialized in the use of Google Ads and will do everything to ensure the best possible result. However, there are too many variables to form a concrete prediction for each specific case, and therefore results are not guaranteed.

What we do have are the statistics of our customers, listed on the side, which show a great benefit in implementing this service into your business.

How long until I see results?

illustration of a group of people collecting clients

Once again, there is no exact answer to this question, as this varies from case to case.

In the first month, research and campaign creation is done, where our team focuses on finding the best keywords for your target audience, and then creating campaigns optimized for it. In this stage, you can expect little to no results, and most campaigns will not be ready to generate value.

In the following months, campaigns will be reviewed on a weekly basis by the BlackHost team, and improvements will be implemented based on the data collected by the platform.

Based on the extensive experience of our team, the cost of the campaigns tend to decrease, and campaign performance grows.

illustration of a group of people collecting clients
two people on a video call

I want to know more!

two people on a video call

Google Ads management is one of the most elaborate and complex services BlackHost offers.
Naturally, it is also one of the services that raises the most questions.

For further clarifications about this service, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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